Round 3 - Call for Grant Applications by the Ulrike Michal Foundation for the Arts


The Ulrike Michal Foundations for the Arts would like to announce the opening of their latest funding round for grant applications.

The Foundation is able to offer:

  • Three grants of up to £1,000, three grants for between £1,000 and £3,000 and one grant for between £3,001 and £5,000 for art projects that “promote, encourage and extend the love, appreciation, enjoyment, understanding and practice of fine, decorative and applied arts among people of all ages through experiences at museums, art galleries, historic properties and in the community at large, both as individuals and communally, as participants and spectators.”

  • Six student grants of up to £500 each to assist students pursuing courses in the fine and decorative arts.

The foundation has previously supported art (fine and decorative) workshops, major art exhibitions, public art, the conservation of works of art and residencies in projects organized by individual artists, community groups, schools, local and national museums, and art galleries.

Any fine or decorative art project that meets the broad aims of the foundation will be considered. The Trustees especially welcome applications that cherish, celebrate, develop and share the traditional skills of the fine and decorative arts.

Full details of the core and student grant schemes and the eligibility criteria are to be found on the foundation website.

The Foundation welcomes core grant applications for projects that will benefit communities across north Wales, Merseyside and the border counties of Cheshire, Shropshire and Herefordshire during 2023-24.

The Foundation welcomes student grant applications from students studying in our region and from students who come from our region but study elsewhere.

The deadline for all core grant applications is December 23rd 2022, 5 p.m.
The deadline for all student grant applications is November 30th 2022, 5 p.m.

The Trustees of the Foundation reserve the right to alter the number of core grants and student grants depending on the quality of the applications.

For more information, contact us